Three Sleeping Putti
(Malines ? - Rome 1602)
Three winged putti sculpted in white marble sleep on a base of black marble framed in antique yellow and yellow Siena marble. They are resting on each other in different positions: supine, crouching, lying on their side. A proposed identification is the three personifications of dreams in Greek mythology: Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos.
The group is probably a copy of a relief well known among contemporaries, executed in 1597 by Gillis van den Vliete for the Mattei family, possibly by the Flemish sculptor himself. The reference date for the work is 1609, the year in which its purchase by order of Giovanni Battista Borghese, younger brother of Paul V, is recorded in the Borghese household accounts.
Object details
antique yellow marble, yellow Siena marble, white marble, black marble
Giovanni Battista Borghese, 1609; Inventario Fidecommissario Borghese 1833, C, p. 47, no. 94. Purchased by the State, 1902.
- 1982 Roma, Museo del Palazzo di Venezia e Museo Centrale del Risorgimento
- 2011-2012 Roma, Galleria Borghese
Conservation and Diagnostic
- 1996 - 1998 Persichelli L.
The relief depicts three winged putti sleeping deeply, their bodies lying in different positions slightly overlapping each other: one putto is crouched and rests his head on his reclining companion, who in turn rests his head on the third putto, reclining on his side, whose head touches the back of the first.
The three putti are sculpted in white marble and lie on an oval base of black marble, surrounded by a moulded frame in antique yellow and restored with Siena yellow marble. The chromatic contrast of the different materials used accentuates the three figures, which stand out from the background, emphasised by the motif of the little foot of one of the three putti protruding from the frame.
The three winged putti could represent Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos, personifications of dreams, daughters of the Night (Faldi 1954, p. 13).
In a payment order kept in the Vatican Archives (Faldi 1954, p. 14, doc. I), the relief appears to have been purchased in 1609 for 100 scudi by Giovanni Battista Borghese. However, the name of the author is not indicated. This is a copy of the relief commissioned in 1597 by Ciriaco Mattei from Gilles Van de Vliete, as reported by Martinelli, who described them as “portraits by those that the Mattei have” (1644, p. 111). The original, now lost, was a work well known by contemporaries, as confirmed by the replicas found by Faldi in the sources and not traceable: one copy was in the Giustiniani collection from 1621 and another certainly in Palazzo Colonna. It is not possible to know whether the one currently housed in the Palazzo Pitti in Florence and the one that went on the antiques market in 2018 can be identified with the examples mentioned.
Due to stylistic similarities, the work has also been compared to the group of Putti che lottano [Putti Fighting], attributed to Stefano Maderno, conserved in the Galleria Doria Pamphili in Rome (Lavin 1968, p. 229). It has recently been proposed that its author was Gillis van den Vliete himself. His name was Italianised as Egidio della Riviera, author of the original owned by Mattei (Pierguidi 2012, p. 161).
The decorated wooden base, made by Giovanni Battista Soria in 1615 (Faldi 1954, p. 14, doc. III) on which the work had originally been placed, was replaced in the late 18th-century reorganisation with an antique circular altar decorated with bucrania and garlands, and is now missing. Exhibited in 1644 in Room 20 (Martinelli, p. 111), in 1700 the relief was in the Hermaphrodite room (Montelatici, p. 278), and in 1796 it was in today’s Room 3 (L. Lamberti, E.Q. Visconti, p. 12).
Sonja Felici
- L. Leporeo, La villa Borghese, Roma 1628, p. 21.
- F. Martinelli, Roma ricercata nel suo sito, e nella scuola di tutti gli Antiquarii, Venezia 1644, p. 111.
- I. Manilli, Villa Borghese fuori di Porta Pinciana, Roma 1650, p. 104.
- P. de’ Sebastiani, Viaggio curioso de’ palazzi e ville più notabili di Roma, Roma 1683, p. 41.
- F. Deseine, Description de la ville de Rome en faveur des étrangers, Lyon 1690, II, p. 84.
- D. Montelatici, Villa Borghese fuori di Porta Pinciana con l’ornamenti che si osservano nel di lei Palazzo, Roma 1700, p. 278.
- A. Brigenti, Villa Burghesia vulgo Pinciana, Roma 1716, p. 80.
- De Nobilissimo Hospite Comitis de Trausnitznomen professo et in Villa Pinciana Burghesiorum Principum excepto die 27. Maii 1716 Epistola ad Illustrissimum et Reverendissimum Praesulem data, Roma 1716, p. VIII.
- G.P. Pinaroli, Trattato delle cose più memorabili di Roma tanto antiche come moderne, che in essa di presente si trovano, Roma 1725, III, p. 90.
- L. Lamberti, E.Q. Visconti, Sculture del palazzo della Villa Borghese detta Pinciana, II, Roma 1796, p. 12.
- A. Manazzale, Rome et ses environs, Roma 1802, p. 187.
- C. Fea, Nuova descrizione di Roma antica e moderna e de’ suoi contorni, sue rarità specialmente dopo le nuove scoperte cogli scavi: arricchita delle vedute più interessanti, II, Roma 1820, p. 465.
- A. Nibby, Monumenti scelti della Villa Borghese, Roma 1832, p. 89.
- A. Nibby, Roma nell’anno MDCCCXXXVIII. Parte seconda moderna, Roma 1841, p. 926.
- X. Barbier de Montault, Les musées et galeries de Rome: catalogue général de tous les objets d’art qui y sont exposés, Rome 1870, p. 500.
- A. Venturi, Il Museo e la Galleria Borghese, Roma 1893, p. 42.
- A. De Rinaldis, La R. Galleria Borghese in Roma, Roma 1935, p. 15.
- P. Della Pergola, La galleria Borghese in Roma, Roma 1951, p. 18.
- I. Faldi, Galleria Borghese. Le sculture dal sec. XVI al XIX, Roma 1954, pp. 13-14, cat. 6, fig. 6.
- I. Lavin, Five New Youthful Sculptures by Gianlorenzo Bernini and a Revised Chronology of His Early Works, in “The Art Bulletin”, 1968, vol. 50, n. 3, pp. 223-248, in part. p. 229, n.45.
- M.P. D’Orazio, scheda in Garibaldi. Arte e storia, catalogo della mostra (Roma, Museo del Palazzo di Venezia e Museo Centrale del Risorgimento, 1982), Firenze 1982, pp. 344-345, cat. 1.8.
- L. Testa, La storia delle collezioni, in Il trattenimento di virtuosi: le collezioni seicentesche di quadri nei Palazzi Mattei di Roma, a cura di F. Cappelletti, L. Testa, Roma 1994, pp. 29, 46 n.28.
- O. Ferrari, S. Papaldo, Le sculture del Seicento a Roma, Roma 1999, p. 475
- P. Moreno, C. Stefani, Galleria Borghese, Milano 2000, p.162, cat. 12, fig. 12.
- Bernini dai Borghese ai Barberini: la cultura a Roma intorno agli anni Venti, atti del convegno (Roma, 1999) a cura di O. Bonfait, A. Coliva, Roma 2004, p. 83.
- A. Gonzalez Palacios, Arredi e ornamenti alla corte di Roma 1560-1795, Milano 2004, p. 296, fig. 26.
- G. Pellini, scheda in I Borghese e l’antico, catalogo della mostra (Roma, Galleria Borghese, 2011-2012), a cura di A. Coliva, M.-L. Fabréga-Dubert, J.-L. Martinez, M. Minozzi, Milano 2011, pp. 280-281, cat. 22.
- S. Pierguidi, Bellori e i putti nella scultura del Seicento. Bernini, Duquesnoy, Algardi, in “Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft”, 39, 2012, pp.155-180, fig. 6.
- Scheda di catalogo 12/01008630, Russo L. 1983; aggiornamento Felici S., 2020.