The painting, documented in the Borghese collection from 1833, depicts Marcello Malpighi (1628-1694), a Bolognese physician and biologist, known at the time for his discoveries in the field of pulmonary compliance. The scientist is portrayed with a drawing in his hand, recognised by critics as the one published in Dissertatio epistolica de bombyce, a very important scientific text printed in London in 1669, probably the year this portrait was made.
Rome, Borghese Collection, 1833 (Inventario Fidecommissario Borghese 1833, p. 34; Della Pergola, 1955). Purchased by the Italian State, 1902.
Paola della Pergola (1955) identified this work as a portrait listed in the fideicommissum inventory of 1833 and in reports by Giovanni Piancastelli (1891) as “unknown, by unknown.” Attributed by Adolfo Venturi to Fra Cosimo da Castelfranco (1893), in 1928 the painting was returned to its anonymity when Roberto Longhi described it as a work by an unknown artist very close to the manner of Tintoretto, an opinion partially embraced by Paola della Pergola. In fact, in 1955 she attributed the canvas to a “Venetian master,” dating it in 1690 circa because of the apparent age of the subject, who had been identified by Pietro Capparoni (1928) as the Bolognese scientist Marcello Malpighi. The latter was well known at the time for his medical and scientific accomplishments, as he had carried out important studies on the conformation of the lungs and published several treatises, among which the Dissertatio epistolica de bombyce, a text quoted implicitly in this canvas. In fact, according to Vincenzo Busacchi (1965), the tablet depicting pulmonary alveoli held up by the man in the painting complemented the volume published in London in 1669.
In 2004, Kristina Herrmann Fiore (see Herrmann Fiore, 2006) advocated for the ascription of the canvas to the Genoese painter Giovanni Bernardo Carbone, a suggestion firmly rejected by Daniele Sanguineti (2020).
Antonio Iommelli