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Venus in Vulcan’s Forge (Summer)

Albani Francesco

(Bologna 1578 - 1660)

This painting was made by Francesco Albani for Cardinal Scipione Borghese who in 1622 bought the entire series – consisting of four tondi – depicting the theme of love in the mythological stories of Venus and Diana. The work, in warm summery hues, follows Venus at her Toilet (inv. 40) and portrays the goddess of beauty visiting Vulcan’s forge, while some cupids work at forging the weapons that will pierce their poor victims’ defenceless hearts. At the top, surrounded by handmaidens, we recognise Diana, goddess of the hunt, who disdainfully observes a group of putti trying to shoot at a heart painted on a shield and hung on a tree for the occasion. It is likely that the painting, and the entire series, was inspired by the Eikones by Philostratus of Lemnos, who describes the cupids playing games in the four seasons of the year.

Object details

oil on canvas
diam. cm 154

19th-century frame decorated with lotus flowers and palmettes



Rome, Cardinal Scipione Borghese, 1622 (Della Pergola 1955, p. 15); Inventory 1693, room IV, no. 221; Paris, 1803-1816; Rome, Borghese Collection, 1816; Inventario Fidecommissario Borghese 1833, p. 11. Purchased by Italian state, 1902.

  • 1985 Roma, Palazzo Venezia;
  • 1988-1989 Roma, Palazzo Venezia;
  • 1996-1997 Lecce, Fondazione Memmo;
  • 1992 Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni.
Conservation and Diagnostic
  • 1908 Luigi Bartolucci
  • 1937 Carlo Matteucci
  • 1960-1961 Renato Massi
  • 1962-1963 Alvaro Esposti
  • 1996-1997 Paola Tollo
  • 2006-2007 Paola Tollo


This painting forms part of a series of four tondos by the Bolognese artist Francesco Albani, executed to enrich the prestigious collection of Cardinal Scipione Borghese. The work was purchased by the cardinal in 1622 through his treasurer Stefano Pignatelli, as is documented by a receipt for a payment made on 13 October 1622 to the gilder Annibale Durante for three round frames, ‘with carved, intertwining fruit motifs, to be used for three paintings by Albano’ (Della Pergola 1955, p. 15). It is still unknown why the fourth painting was not mentioned here, which in all likelihood was The Triumph of Diana (inv. no. 49): according to critics, this last-named work was to have been executed at the same time as the purchase of the other three, so as to give the cycle a new meaning. By adding The Triumph of Diana, in fact, the first three tondos – depicting stories of Venus – can be interpreted in a different light: the series would then treat not only beauty, but also the rivalry between Love and Chastity, virtues embodied by the two goddesses, and the triumph of the chaste Diana over the beautiful Venus.

In addition, critics believe that the painter was inspired by the Eikones of Philostratus of Lemnos for this cycle. This text had a significant influence on 16th- and 17th-century artists: cast in the form of a dialogue, it describes a visit to a villa near Naples, where a master and his students admire 64 works, including several which depict the doings of cherubs in the four seasons: throwing apples in spring, at the forge in summer, Venus parting from Adonis in autumn, and sleep in winter.

The cycle was mentioned for the first time by Iacomo Manilli in 1650 among the works at the Casino di Porta Pinciana. This is where it remained until 1658 when for safety reasons Giovanni Battista Borghese had it moved to his palazzo in the city, where it is documented in both the 1693 inventory and by Domenico Montelatici in 1700. When it was transferred to his residence in Campo Marzio, the  Borghese prince had copies of the four tondos made, which he intended to place in the villa. Two of these have been identified by Schaack at the Colegio de Santamarca in Madrid (the Toilette of Venus and The Triumph of Diana). In the 19th century, finally, the series was removed by Napoleon Bonaparte to be taken to Paris, where it remained until 1816, when it was definitively brought back to Rome.

The precise date of the work is still unknown. In the view of some critics, the series was executed by 1618, when the painter returned to Bologna; others, meanwhile, date it to 1621-22, as it is not mentioned in Giulio Mancini’s Considerazioni sulla pittura. According to Van Schaack, the tondos were completed by 1621, when the painter – who was then called to the court of Ferdinando Gonzaga in Mantua – executed a similar cycle in which a number of details of the Borghese cycle are repeated. In any case, stylistic analysis confirms what these studies have revealed thus far: indeed, these works recall others by Albani from the late 1610s and early 1620s, years in which the artist produced similar paintings, such as the cycle – today at the Louvre – begun for the Duke of Mantua and finished for Prince Gian Carlo de’ Medici.

  Antonio Iommelli

This series was enormously successful, as is demonstrated by the tondos representing the four Elements, executed for Cardinal Maurice of Savoy (Turin, Galleria Sabauda), and the Dance of the Cherubs, previously in the Sampieri Collection in Bologna and today at the Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan.

